
Graded Items
All Graded televisions sold on our website come with a Six-month 'return to base' warranty provided by us, unless otherwise stated. We offer this guarantee on all our products to demonstrate our confidence in each and every one of them. This is an excellent opportunity to save hundreds of pounds off the "Brand New" prices without compromising on quality or performance.
Refurbished Items
All Refurbished items sold are subject to Three months Guarantee and a 7 days return or exchange, excludes Export and Wholesale deals.
•We will exchange or fix products that fall under the 3-months guarantee if the product ceased to function or suffered from a manufacturing defect appearing within the 3 months period after the order is shipped.
•We will not accept to exchange or fix a product if the damage was caused directly or indirectly by you.
•In order to establish whether or not you may return the product to us, please contact us first.
•Upon receiving the product, we will send you a new one or take some time to fix your product. The shipping costs for returning the product to us are not subject to refund.
Please kindly note below:
•We will not accept any exchange or refund that product was damaged or broken artificial in your side or suffered damage anything directly or indirectly caused by you.
•When planning a return or exchange, please contact our customer support.
•You are fully aware of these conditions and that you agree with them without reserve.
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